Foreign Key SQL Server: What it is and How it Works :

Greetings to all our readers who are interested in learning more about SQL Server and how to use it. In this article, we will be discussing one of the most important concepts in database design – the foreign key. We will be covering everything from what a foreign key is, to how it works, to common FAQs and examples. So, let’s get started!

What is a Foreign Key in SQL Server?

A foreign key in SQL Server is a column or columns that are used to establish a link or relationship between two tables. It is a key that is used to enforce referential integrity in a database. The foreign key column(s) in one table refer to the primary key column(s) in another related table. This establishes a relationship between the two tables.

For example, let’s say you have two tables in your database – a Customers table and an Orders table. The Customers table has a primary key called CustomerID and the Orders table has a foreign key called CustomerID. The CustomerID column in the Orders table refers to the CustomerID column in the Customers table. This establishes a relationship between the two tables – every order in the Orders table belongs to a customer in the Customers table.

How Does a Foreign Key Work in SQL Server?

When you create a foreign key in SQL Server, you are telling the database that the values in the foreign key column(s) in one table must match the values in the primary key column(s) in another related table. This ensures that every record in the foreign key table has a corresponding record in the primary key table.

For example, if you try to insert a record into the Orders table with a CustomerID that does not exist in the Customers table, you will get an error. This is because the foreign key constraint prevents you from inserting a record with a non-existent CustomerID. The same applies to updating or deleting records in the primary key table – you cannot update or delete a record that is being referenced by a foreign key in another table.

Creating a Foreign Key in SQL Server

Creating a foreign key in SQL Server is easy. You can create a foreign key constraint when you create a table or add it later using the ALTER TABLE statement. Here’s an example of how to create a foreign key constraint when you create a table:

Customers Table Orders Table
Name CustomerID (Foreign Key)
Address OrderDate

In this example, the Customers table has a primary key called ID and the Orders table has a foreign key called CustomerID that references the ID column in the Customers table.

Benefits of Using Foreign Keys in SQL Server

There are several benefits to using foreign keys in SQL Server:

  • They ensure referential integrity in your database.
  • They prevent data inconsistencies and errors.
  • They make it easier to join related tables.
  • They improve database performance by reducing the need for complex queries.

FAQs About Foreign Keys in SQL Server

Q: Can a Foreign Key Point to Multiple Tables?

A: No, a foreign key can only point to one table. However, you can create multiple foreign keys in a table to establish relationships with different tables.

Q: Can a Foreign Key Be Null?

A: Yes, a foreign key can be null. This means that the value in the foreign key column is not required to have a corresponding value in the primary key column. However, you should use caution when allowing null values in a foreign key column, as it can lead to data inconsistencies and errors.

Q: How Do I Remove a Foreign Key from a Table?

A: To remove a foreign key constraint from a table, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement with the DROP CONSTRAINT command. Here’s an example:


This will remove the foreign key constraint called FK_Orders_Customers from the Orders table.

Examples of Using Foreign Keys in SQL Server

Here are some examples of using foreign keys in SQL Server:

Example 1: One-to-Many Relationship

In this example, we have two tables – a Customers table and an Orders table. Each customer can have multiple orders. The Customers table has a primary key called CustomerID and the Orders table has a foreign key called CustomerID that references the CustomerID column in the Customers table.

Customers Table Orders Table
CustomerID (Primary Key) OrderID (Primary Key)
Name CustomerID (Foreign Key)
Address OrderDate

With this relationship established, you can easily join the Customers and Orders tables to get all the orders for a particular customer.

Example 2: Many-to-Many Relationship

In this example, we have two tables – a Products table and an Orders table. Each order can have multiple products, and each product can be in multiple orders. To establish this many-to-many relationship, we need a third table called OrderItems that contains the foreign keys for both the Products and Orders tables.

Products Table OrderItems Table Orders Table
ProductID (Primary Key) ProductID (Foreign Key) OrderID (Primary Key)
Name OrderID (Foreign Key) CustomerID
Price Quantity OrderDate

With this relationship established, you can easily join the Products and Orders tables through the OrderItems table to get all the products for a particular order or all the orders for a particular product.


In conclusion, foreign keys are an essential part of database design and are used to establish relationships between tables to ensure referential integrity. They prevent data inconsistencies and errors and make it easier to join related tables. We hope this article has been informative and helpful in understanding foreign keys in SQL Server. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!

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